(100% digital, no human errors)
C3 has partnered with key suppliers in the industry to save you time and money and reduce human error. When C3 customers purchase thermocouples from any one of our Digital Sensor Integration partners and purchase Field Test Instrument calibration services from any one of our C3-integrated Pyrometry Labs, all your Thermocouple and Field Test Instrument calibration data are seamlessly pushed into your C3 account.

C3 Data Calibration Labs
Data logger Integration for Pyrometry Labs
C3 Data works with a global network of pyrometry labs.
If your lab isn’t listed here, you can request that we add them to our growing family of calibration laboratories.
Lab Integration Partners
United States
American Control Engineering Services (ACES)
- Kansas
Certified Temperature Calibration Inc (CTC)
- California
Electronic & Mechanical (E&M) Calibrations
- Massachusetts
Furnace Rebuilders
- North Carolina
Heat Treating Services Unlimited (HTSU)
- South Carolina
Industrial Calibration and Service
- Texas
Industrial Furnace Specialties
- Texas
KRC Machine Tool Solutions
- Kentucky
Modern Instrument Company
- California
Tru-Cal, Inc
- Ohio
Global Thermal Solutions
- Queretaro

Sensor Manufacturers
Sensor Integrations for equipment manufacturers
C3 Data works with a global network of sensor manufacturers.
If your pyrometry sensor equipment manufacturer is not listed here, you can request that we add them to our growing family of C3 manufacturing partners.
Sensor Integrations
United States
Cleveland Electric Laboratories
- Ohio
Marlin Manufacturing
- Ohio
TE Wire & Cable
- New Jersey
GeoCorp severed its digital connection with C3 Data. However, C3 digitally scans your GeoCorp cert (PDF) and imports its cert data directly into your C3 account.

Data Loggers
C3 works with all Data Loggers.
Learn how to get your TUS file “C3 ready” by clicking your logger below.
Data Logger Integration
Configuring your Yokogawa Recorder (must be done just once, BEFORE you start recording TUS data)